How do I place an order?
Choose from our shop how many bottles you would like to buy online, finalise your order and pay by debit or credit card. Or you can contact us directly by phone or email if you would prefer to purchase without using a debit or credit card.
Payment and Shipping
Payment can be made when you order online using PayPal. Your total payment will show and include postage or if you are close by you can pickup. Delivery time estimations are: North Island 2-3 days, South Island 3-5 days. Once your order is processed and on its way you will receive a confirmation email. The customer will ensure 'Four Two Nine' or its agent is able to deliver where instructed by you 'the Customer'.
Secure Ordering & Payment Options
Pay Pal is the company Four Two Nine uses for processing all debit and credit card transactions securely. You can also contact us directly to order and pay on invoice by internet banking (this is a good option if you would like regular and/or larger volumes). Four Two Nine does not keep your credit card details on record.